Sunday, November 3, 2013

Gotta keep going

Wooo... Ctnepo countdown begins to recharge the inspiration tank and get more killer info, took a nice month off not animating hard to concentrate on my surroundings in life.  Feel great and will come back stronger than ever.  Till then smash hard next level and out do yesterday..

Monday, September 23, 2013

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Chris Kirshbaum Demoreel 2013

So glad my Animation teacher posted his latest reel online.  Chris is an awesome teacher and person.  Iam so lucky to learn under him. And hope to make memorable shots like him one day.  That shot of Turtle Master Oogway "Today is gift, that why it called the present" is my favorite. 

Acting for Animators Lecture

Great Lecture by Bobby Beck.  He did Dash animation on Incredibles.  He is an awesome person I got to meet him once, and got to thank him for his blog and powerful motivational teachings.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Ski Dazzle (Breakdowns)

Phase two is done.  Now to Jump into Spline, Final plus, Polish,fx snow, tracks, Render and fix post.  Stay Tuned.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Ski Dazzle (Keys only) Rough Cut

Yesss!  Drilling along with this new sequence peice.  Got it timed and blocked to my liking.  Check it.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Movin' Forward

Cool.. got this down on this fantastic 4-day holiday from my regular job.  Four more pieces to go for a new reel to attack. Rock on!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Dangerous Job: 100 frame contest at Spungella

This was a blast, everyone needs a deadline.  Too much time make your work lag and mushy.  I was happy with the outcome.  This was what I entered at Spungella.

It will be judged by JD Haas, last I seen him do a walk thru of a shot in Transformers.  So him and his peers he said.  I want to see what others have also.

Monday, April 22, 2013

On to the Next..

Just finished this Master Copy of the cartoony pitcher in the Preston Blair Animation Book.  Under 100 frames not too over whelming but got me out of my funk.  Alot of work but I feel my chops kicking in as I do alot.  Excited to look for excersise to do, but I will still wrap up the "Ski Dazzle "Backgrounds so I can animate it already.  Following is :

With Breakdowns..

The Polished.. "Finished Product"

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Sam's Speech

I sure do dig this scene, it totally motivates me to keep on pushing the craft.  Kinda hitting a plateau, with getting fit been away riding BMX more than animating.  Trying to find that happy median, It wont be long.  Push on!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Cool find

Old school Disney Background artists in action..

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Back to Grind..

Yes! the 100's trick continues, building up momentum again.  A Mastercopy from Preston Blair's Animation Book. Key's as best I could from feeling and how it looked. Also noticed he had key #'s there so I copied it, and now the fun part, to figure out the cartoony breakdowns, favors, and snap.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Anti-Litter PSA " Eco-mercial©

Wow! another fun project wrapped.  Honing the character animation craft while adding to it the film and production skill progression little by little.  Also added an early animatic from idea to finished product.  

Early Animatic with a scratch track.

Hit the ground running this year.  Stand by for more, cause I'm getting faster and better on each project.